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Town Council Minutes 09/08/2008
September 8, 2008


The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. at the Avon Town Hall, in the Selectmen's Chambers by Chairman Carlson.  Members present: Mrs. Samul, Messrs. Pena and Shea.  Absent: Mr. Zacchio.


07/08-108       Non-Emergency Interagency Agreement:  

The Public Hearing was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Carlson, and the Clerk read the legal notice as follows:
                                "LEGAL NOTICE
                        NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
Notice is hereby given that the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Connecticut will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, September 8, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. at the Avon Town Hall, Selectman's Chamber, 60 West Main Street, Avon, CT  to consider a proposed Non-Emergency Interagency Agreement among the towns of Avon, Bloomfield, Canton, Farmington, Granby, Hartford, Simsbury, Suffield, Windsor, and Windsor Locks, which will grant police officers of each of the towns reciprocal arrest and other police powers in each of the participating towns.
Dated at Avon, Connecticut this 21st day of August, 2008.
                                                        Philip K. Schenck, Jr., Town Manager"

The Town Manager reported receiving a legal opinion from the Town Attorney which brings up some issues with this that are still being worked out, so we will not be implementing it immediately. We did want to go through with the Public Hearing since we had all the notices in place.

On a motion made by Mr. Shea, seconded by Mr. Pena, it was voted:
RESOLVED:   That the Town Council approve participation in the Non-Emergency Interagency Agreement along with the towns of Avon, Bloomfield, Canton, Farmington, Granby, Hartford, Simsbury, Suffield, Windsor, and Windsor Locks, which will grant police officers of each of the towns reciprocal arrest and other police powers in each of the participating towns.
Mrs. Samul, Messrs Carlson, Pena and Shea voted in favor

08/09-15        Acceptance: Drainage Easement, 589 Huckleberry Hill Road

The Public Hearing was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Carlson, and the Clerk read the legal notice as follows:
                                "LEGAL NOTICE
                        NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
Notice is hereby given that the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Connecticut will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, September 8, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. at the Avon Town Hall, Selectman's Chamber, 60 West Main Street, Avon, CT to consider a Drainage Easement to be granted to the Town of Avon, with an unrestricted Right to Discharge, area=3,260 s.f., on the property known as Lot 1, area 42,736 s.f., also known as Assessor's Lot #2810589, which is described more particularly on a map know as "Record Subdivision Map."
Dated at Avon, Connecticut this 2nd day of September, 2008.
                                                        Philip K. Schenck, Jr., Town Manager

On a motion made by Mr. Shea, seconded by Mr. Pena, it was voted:
RESOLVED:   That the Town Council close the Public Hearing.
Mrs. Samul, Messrs Carlson, Pena and Shea voted in favor

On a motion made by Mr. Pena, seconded by Mrs. Samul, it was voted:
RESOLVED:   That the Town Council approve the drainage easement with an unrestricted Right to Discharge, area=3,260 s.f., on the property known as Lot 1, area 42,736 s.f., also known as Assessor's Lot #2810589, which is described more particularly on a map know as "Record Subdivision Map."
Mrs. Samul, Messrs Carlson, Pena and Shea voted in favor

III.    MINUTES OF PRECEDING MEETINGS:          August 7, 2008

On a motion made by Mr. Shea seconded by Mr. Pena, it was voted:
RESOLVED:   That the Town Council accept the August 7, 2008 minutes as read,
Mrs. Samul, Messrs Carlson, Pena and Shea voted in favor.

IV.     COMMUNICATION FROM AUDIENCE - Items not on this Agenda

Tatyana Ishutkina, 24 Brentwood Drive, reported she came before the Council last month to propose that the Town of Avon should become a sister city to a city in Russia.  She met with the Town Manager a few weeks ago and had a constructive discussion and she is back to get the community's support.  She is preparing letters to the schools and the Library and will schedule a meeting to have discussions with them.  


Chairman Carlson reported the dedication ceremony of the renovations and additions to the Avon High School is being held this Sunday, September 14th at 2:00 p.m.  


07/08-08        Status Report: Building Committee: Avon Free Public Library Renovations/Additions Committee:
                a.      Referendum Process/Schedule
                b.      Second Estimate on Costs

The Assistant Town Manager reported there are two options for holding a referendum on this project and they differ in one way.  She tried to stick with regular meeting and not add to many special meetings on any board, however, we would want to wait for an answer by the State Library Board on the grant.  The application was handed in a week early, but we do not expect a decision until November 24, 2008. We need to know that so we can properly prepare the tax impact statement about the project for the voters.  Keeping those two things in mind, the first schedule is one with all the regularly scheduled meetings and that would have a Special Town Meeting on February 9th and a Referendum on March 11th, 2009.  The alternative is to ask the Board of Finance to hold a special meeting the same night the Council meets.  Those would both occur at the Council's regular meeting date of January 8th, 2009, allowing for a Special Town Meeting on January 26th and a month later the project Referendum.  Those are the two options for consideration.  Those dates are the earliest we feel we can have them, due to the holidays.  Also, in this process are the other three projects that we pulled out of the Capital Budget and with the new debt policy they should go to referendum. Those being the new Middle School roof, currently in design, the Town Clerk's vault, that is about to go into design, and Secret Lake road.  Those will be ready should you want to take them to referendum during 2009.  Chairman Carlson questioned if those projects would be ready to go on either schedule, February 26th or March 11th.  The Assistant Town Manager reported with the Middle School roof we only had enough money to go through the first part of design since we are considering solar options so we are getting through schematic design and have cost estimates done. That should be ready to go to request the balance of funding for design and construction.  The Town Clerk's vault should be completely through design and costs should be ready.  Secret Lake roads may take a bit more time to determine to do this in house or decide to seek some outside consulting services. It is the Council's preference on timing.  

Mr. Shea questioned if these dates fall in the school vacation weeks.  The Assistant Town Manager reported these dates would work with school vacations and holidays. Chairman Carlson reported he does not see why they wouldn't go with the sooner one rather than the later.  What numbers are we going to referendum with?  If these are rough estimates and not hard number we potentially risk the same problem as with the high school. The Assistant Town Manager reported the Architect, in this early stage, did send out  his drawings for a professional estimate and that did forecast forward to when we hope to be under construction but it is always a bit more risky to do that early on before you have gone through design.  

Chairman Carlson questioned what the cost and timing will be if we went to get hard costs and actual bids.  The Assistant Town Manager reported we would have to spend approximately $600,000 to do so, we would have to go to referendum to ask for that and complete the design process and go out to bids and seek those hard numbers.  That number is a bit high since we have not determined yet if we are going to go with a construction manager or a general contractor.  We will bring in a construction manager sooner like what was done with the high school. The work can probably be done by the end of the summer of 2009 then go out to bid.  She would forecast the Referendum about the same time in February  2010 for the balance of the project for the actual moving, construction and furniture.  We need to keep an eye on the calendar though because if we do get the grant we have 18 months from bond commission approval to start it.  The Library Director stated that the bond commission is whenever the Governor holds the bond commission. The Assistant Town Manager reported we should be fine as long as we keep moving forward. The only other concern we would have would be putting it out to bid and asking bidders to hold their prices for two, three or four months, in order to hold the referendum.  You pay a premium for that.  

Mr. Shea questioned the $600,000 represents almost ten percent of the estimated cost of the project, did the architect work with you on that number.  The Assistant Town Manager reported speaking with him today to ask him of his total fee how much would be needed to setting aside construction administration. He reported the fee would be seventy five percent of the total.  She further reported besides the architect and his design team there would be civil engineer, IT consultant and furniture consultant.  Mr. Shea questioned if there would be any other fees associated with the architect going out and getting the estimates from the consultants.  The Assistant Town Manager reported they asked him to agree to a percentage for a fee before we entered into the first contract. We would have to sign a continuing contract.  Mr. Shea questioned the second referendum schedule.  If we were to hire a construction manager we would go out with a certain dollar amount then go to referendum, then we would need another referendum? Wouldn't the first referendum cover all of the costs? The Assistant Town Manager reported  we would be asking for just enough money at the first referendum just to complete the design and obtain public bids.  Chairman Carlson stated that would be the $600,000, then we would go out to bid, then go to the final referendum.  The Assistant Town Manager reported it would not take a full year to complete the design and the bidding but we would get to that result and then ask the Council to set a Special Town meeting and Referendum and various steps need to happen before that.  Chairman Carlson stated he is concerned they will run down the same path as the high school since those numbers at referendum were estimates. People think we went over budget.  We are not looking to delay the process but we need to give the people the correct numbers.

 The Town Manager reported the other option, if the Referendum failed, would be to reduce the scope of the project down to the pricing so that would mean scaling the project down. The issue was that we went through a whole process and came up with s $25/26million high school addition, it went out to bid and it came back $5million higher. We then had to go back to the community and ask for another $5million and there was a lot of criticism on the parts of the Council, Board of Finance, Building Committee and staff.  One thing we use to do is go through the two referendum process. This is a way of making sure you have hard numbers and the voters know what they are voting on. Mr. Shea reported as important as it is to look at all our options, both of those referenda passed.  Chairman Carlson stated he is just trying to listen when people said there has to be a better way. If we go out to bid next year with a $9.5million budget and the bids come back at $9.9million, we have to cut the project back or go back to referendum.

Mr. Shea questioned if the decision needs to be made this evening.  Chairman Carlson reported he would go with the February 26th, 2009 date. The only issue is if we are going on estimates.    Chairman Carlson reported with the two referenda if the first passes for the $600,000 and then what if the second doesn't pass, then we have throw-a-way costs of $600,000.  The Town Manager reported that happened in 1988 with Pine Grove school.  Diane Hornaday stated the financing is a concern and the purview of the Council and Board of Finance. We have already made arrangements to go out into the community to make presentations. She thinks it would be wise at the first Public Hearing to state this is an estimate. We are looking for $600,000 to verify that.  We are going to have to put the figure out there and tell them.  Our goal is to present a strong program and good design to the residents.  This is something good for the community.  We would like to know sooner rather than later on what schedule we would like to follow.  

Chairman Carlson reported he is not a fan of two referendum schedule.  Be aware that if we go out with a $9.5million estimate and bids come back higher then we have a problem.   Mr. Shea stated it is not uncommon for a construction project to come in above budget by ten percent.    People thought we were adding money to the high school project.  Chairman Carlson stated he has not stopped hearing about that and we need to be aware of the risk.

 Mr. Pena stated he thinks it is good to go outside of the committee because it is a 5% increase, is a large increase.  He has heard people say the same things.  Where will we be with the fundraising as of January 1, 2009.  Mary Suter, Library Board, reported they are not sure where they will be.  We expect to have at our board meeting in November a presentation from our consultant about what she has learned and what our goal would be. We would not be able to do any fundraisings until after the referendum has passed.  We are looking at a two to three year campaign.  It is important to know these campaigns take time.  Mr. Pena stated a few years back the economics were different.  There are people who are promoting the Library and want to help but no one knows what is going to happen.   In the last several months, there were two Libraries' that were voted down.  

Mrs. Samul questioned if the estimates that we will be voting on can we have those updated?  Can we bring them current? The Assistant Town Manager reported they could do that but it would cost about $9,000. Mrs. Samul reported it would make the estimate a bit more firm. Mr. Shea questioned if the bids come back ten percent off and the Council said we will not go back to referendum how would that be received?  Ms. Hornaday reportedly we are a subcommittee that you appointed.  What might be best is to set the initial public hearing and referendum schedule so that everybody knows how we are doing and give it a few weeks to think about the process. It is hard to make a decision when you are first talking about it, but it would be nice to have a firm referendum date.  When people go to the information meetings people are not looking for numbers, they want to know what the library is going to look like. Chairman Carlson reported the referendum date of February 26th date would be the direction he would go in.  When we set a referendum date we do not need to tell the people what it is on right away, so changes can be made.  He feels $600,000 is a lot to spend if the second referendum does not pass.  Mr. Shea reported it is wise to take the time and think it over but he is leaning towards the one referendum using all the abilities to come up with the firmest number possible.  It will be tough to go to a second referendum.

Chairman Carlson questioned the thoughts and opinions on the February 26th date and schedule.  Mr. Pena and Mr. Shea favored a February 26th Referendum.

Chairman Carlson reported the second decision that needs to happen is the bundling of the other projects and how it will affect the debt service. This is not a conversation he was prepared to have this evening but it needs to happen.  That question should be answered before we get the formal estimates.  The Town Manger stated it may be a good idea to have Dennis Dix do a presentation at the October 2nd meeting to go over this and perhaps it would be good to invite the Board of Finance.  We can have a PowerPoint.  A scenario was worked up on how to keep things even for about three years. Mr. Shea questioned if it would be possible to come in with a more conservative options.  Dennis Dix is going to base this on the grand list and what it will raise.  He is looking for a bit more modest estimate on what the grand list was going to produce.

Mrs. Hornaday questioned if it was firmly decided that the referendum was going to be the February 26th date.  Chairman Carlson reported this was correct. The Library Director questioned if the option for two referenda is still out there.  Chairman Carlson reported that is correct. We would like it to be discussed and come back to us with some input.  The Library Director stated she is concerned with the delay that it may present.  Mary Suter reported it may help to get the perspective of the consultant as well since they have worked with many Libraries on these types of non-profit projects and perhaps we can bring back some input at the next meeting. We are hoping we move forward with the campaign and we will keep thinking ahead.  

Chairman Carlson asked the Assistant Town Manager to provide the Library Building Committee with some bid results to different projects that were opened with a very broad range of prices.  They may not realize that the range of prices may be significant.  Also, perhaps what the results were the last time we had two referenda.  The Town Manager reported they need to keep checking the pricing and make sure it is holding where originally quoted since prices are going up and up.  It would be hard to go back to a second referendum.  Mrs. Samul questioned how we get a number.  If she was doing a price estimate on a house for someone she could use national cost estimators with factors adjusting it for the local area, or talk to the lumber yard and have them cost out the lumber and do a complete breakdown. What is the method used by the town?  The Assistant Town Manager reported the architect hired a professional estimator and has shared with him the drawings to date and the estimator used those to estimate.  

07/08-89        Review, Discussion and Approval: State of Connecticut Department of Social Services Grant, $5,000
                a.      Approve Resolution
                b.      Supplemental Appropriation, $5,000

The Town Manager reported we applied for this and it was approved last year in May. We never received the check since the State never sent it out, we just received the check recently but it is a new fiscal year so we have to go back and redo the appropriation for the funds.  This way it will be expended in the 08/09 year.

On a motion made by Mr. Pena, seconded by Mrs. Samul, it was voted:
RESOLVED:   That the Town Manager, Philip K. Schenck, Jr, is empowered to enter into and amend contractual instruments in the name and on behalf of this Contractor with the Department of Social Services of the State of Connecticut for a Special Funding for Municipalities program, and to affix the corporate seal
Mrs. Samul, Messrs Carlson, Pena and Shea voted in favor.

On a motion made by Mr. Pena, seconded by Mrs. Samul, it was voted:
RESOLVED:   That the Town Council hereby recommends that the Board of Finance amend the FY 08/09 Budget by increasing:
Recreation Activities Fund, Intergovernmental, Computer Equipment Grant Senior Center, Account #09-0330-43384 in the amount of $5,000.00
and increasing
Recreation Activities Fund, Senior Citizens, Equipment, Account #09-5301-52194 in the amount of $5,000.00 for the purpose of funding computer equipment purchases, which will be reimbursed through approved State of Connecticut Department of Social Services Grant.
Mrs. Samul, Messrs Carlson, Pena and Shea voted in favor.

07/08-106       Adoption: Revised Town Council Policy #3: Recognition of Officials and Town Employees

The Clerk to the Town Council reported the only item that changed was one sentence that was added to the end of the first paragraph.  Mr. Shea questioned how many people serve 20 or 30 years.   The Town Council Clerk reported we are getting more and more that are serving closer to those years.  Mr. Shea questioned what if someone was to serve over 25 years, should they be recognized separately for that.
Someone who serves 20 years and someone who serves 30 years, they get the same thing.   Town Council Clerk questioned if they felt the clock was sufficient for 25 years.  Mr. Shea stated perhaps we should have something separate for an event like that.  How does Avon, as a community, want to recognize someone for that? The Town Manager reported if you want to recognize 30 years differently, with a chair we can add that.  The chairs do cost quite a bit of money, they are about $500.  The Town Manager further reported perhaps you do something special for them when they do leave and that gives you some flexibility.  Chairman Carlson reported he would love to see a wall of recognition for people who served over 25 years for people to see.   Mr. Pena stated it would be nice to do something but $500 is a lot of money, some people may not like that.  Chairman Carlson reported he is agreeing with the policy as presented, but would like to see a wall of recognition.  

On a motion made by Mr. Pena, seconded by Mrs. Samul, it was voted:
RESOLVED:   That the Town Council adopt a revised Town Council policy #3: Recognition of Officials and Town Employees as follows:
The Town Council, in recognition of service on a board, commission, committee, agency
or town employee, may present to anyone who has served five to ten years a Seal of the
Town of Avon pin, ten to twenty years an acyclic plaque and frame, twenty years or more
a clock, provided such a person is not serving in another appointed or elected office, board, commission, committee, agency or town employee assigned to another position within the Town of Avon.  Persons who have served on several boards, commissions, committees or agencies will be awarded a recognition of service award based on cumulative years of service.

The Town Council may present to a Town employee upon retirement in recognition of 25
years or more of service, a chair, rocker or clock, as a symbol of the Town of Avon's
Mrs. Samul, Messrs Carlson, Pena and Shea voted in favor.

08/09-07        Review, Discussion and Acceptance:
                a.      Proposal for Updating Property Study
                b.      Supplemental Appropriation, $6,750

The Town Manager reported we have been working with Avon Old Farms school, and Richter and Cegan are in the process of updating the work that the Avon Old Farms School has done.  The cost of that work is $13,500, and our portion is $6,750.  He has spoken with the school and everything is on schedule and anticipates getting the revised report in on the 15th of the month and that will go immediately out to the appraisers so they can go ahead and get the appraisals done  by the 18th/19th of October for the schools Board of Trustees meeting. We do need to approve this to pay for the updating of the study.    

On a motion made by Mrs. Samul, seconded by Mr. Shea, it was voted:
RESOLVED:   That the Town Council favorably recommends to the Board of Finance an appropriation not to exceed $6,750 from General Fund, Other Financing Sources, Undesignated Fund Balance, Account #01-0390-43913, to General Fund, Town Council, Service & Consultant, Account #01-1101-52184 for the purpose of updating a property study on Avon Old Farms School land parcels.
Mrs. Samul, Messrs Carlson, Pena and Shea voted in favor.


08/09-10        Status Report: Avon Day Update: Len Del Gallo

Len DelGallo reported Avon Day will be held Saturday, September 27th, with a rain date of the September 28th.  Our expenses are up about $2,000, between the fireworks, tents and inflatables.  We began the year with $2,400 in the bank and the revenues are in line. He reviewed the events as follows:  Will begin at 12 noon, will have entertainment until 2p.m. and then will have the opening ceremonies and UNICO will present the Citizen of the Year Award.  John Anthony O'Neill is the Citizen of the Year this year.  The pie eating contest will be a 4:30 p.m. and at approximately 8:00 p.m. will be the fireworks. We will have roughly 70 non-profit and corporate groups which is down about ten. Last year we had 80 booths but we really ended up with 70, people didn't man their booths.  We have 13 Taste of Avon groups which is great since these booths help our Special Needs Fund and we are up two booths there.  We have a few new things. We are having pony ride this year.  We are also having ski sundown doing a demonstration with a 120 ft ski slope with real snow.  We should have a great day. Hopefully the weather will cooperate.  Good news is that Avon UNICO did agree to sponsor the event again next year so we will have a sponsor.  Avon Lions will also now have three members on the committee.  He is hoping between these two non-profit groups they will come up with a Chairman. We are all in good shape.  The committee is planning to sell glow lights and we have already purchased them and we are hoping to make $2,000 off of that.  The cost of the tents went up $1,300.  Mr. Shea questioned if they thought they will stay $2,000 over budget.  Mr. DelGallo reported he feels all the expenses are in and they are in good shape.  

08/09-11        Bid Award: Snow Plowing Services, $122,100

The Assistant Town Manager reported the Town put out to bid the snow plowing services for the Secret Lake section of town, as well as the Lakeview section, which we have been doing the past several years with our own staff to determine what the costs might be for that.  We were pleased with the process that came in.  Secret Lake is coming in $1,500 less than the price for each of the last three years, and just about $8,000 less than what we budgeted.  What we pay is a guaranteed amount, half in December and half in March, whether it snows or not.  Mr. Shea questioned the pricing with locking in the prices with gas and such.  The Assistant Town Manager reported they were willing to lock in the prices. It was the same amount each of the three years.  It is a bit of a risk for them, it may not snow at all or it may snow tons.  The references have been excellent.  We have run it by the Secret Lake Association and they are happy with it.  We plan on having a pre-winter drive-thru/walk-thru so everyone is on the same page.  Pricing was a bit higher than we budgeted for Lakeview about $3,000 difference but the Director of Public Works feels he can make it up in different accounts, and is anxious to move forward with it. We would recommend approval of the contract to Clean Cut for three years for both the Secret Lake and Lakeview areas of town.

On a motion made by Mr. Shea, seconded by Mr. Pena, it was voted:
RESOLVED:   That the Town Council award the bid to the apparent lowest bidder, Clean Cut Lawn Care & Landscaping of Simsbury CT, in the amount of $122,100, for a three year contract for snow plowing services, with a first year expense of $40,700 for Secret Lake and Lakeview.
Mrs. Samul, Messrs Carlson, Pena and Shea voted in favor.

08/09-12        Resignation: Town Representative: Secret Lake Association; Peter Marzano,

On a motion made by Mr. Shea, seconded by Mr. Pena, it was voted:
RESOLVED:   That the Town Council accept with regret the resignation of Peter Marzano as the Town Councils representative to the Secret Lake Association.
Mrs. Samul, Messrs Carlson, Pena and Shea voted in favor.

08/09-13        Appointment: Town Representative: Secret Lake Association (12/31/2009)

Mr. Shea stated a suggestion would be considering co-representatives to the Secret Lake Association.  The Town Manager reported this is a long standing problem with the Associations.  We do not get more than two to three years out of the chosen person.  It will be important when we get into the road project that we have a good liaison with that group. It may be the type of thing that we have some discussions with some people who have been over there for years, so we have someone who can deal with the residents.  Mr. Pena questioned if it would be better to have one as the lead and the other be the second.  The Town Manager reported he will speak to them and see what they say.  

On a motion made by Mr. Shea, seconded by Mr. Pena, it was voted:
RESOLVED:   That the Town Council table the appointment of the Town Councils representative to the Secret Lake Association to the October 2,  2008 meeting.
Mrs. Samul, Messrs Carlson, Pena and Shea voted in favor.

08/09-14        Road Acceptances: Total miles to be Accepted, 1.06 miles

On a motion made by Mr. Shea, seconded by Mr. Pena, it was voted:
RESOLVED:   That the Town Council approve based upon the recommendation of the Town Engineer, to acceptance of the following roads:
                        a.      Cambridge  Crossing               0.26 miles
                        b.   Thornwood Lane                     0.12 miles
                        c.    Devonshire Court                  0.18 miles      
                        d.    James Court                       0.09 miles      
                        e.    Nottingham Ridge                  0.25 miles
                        f.     King Richards Court              0.09 miles
                        g.    White Oak Lane                    0.07 miles
                                TOTAL                           1.06 miles
Mrs. Samul, Messrs Carlson, Pena and Shea voted in favor.

The Town Manager reported with the approval of these roads this means we have accepted almost three and a half miles of road, and we get this in early enough in the year and that affects the roads grant for the next year.  

08/09-16        Approval: Refund of Taxes, $2,012.06

The Assessor advised it was the result of a resident paying an entire year for a 2006 Bentley, when he only had the car for three months and replaced it with a Lexus and paid the entire year on the Lexus.  He is entitled to a nine month refund on the Bentley.

On a motion made by Mrs. Samul, seconded by Mr. Shea, it was voted:
RESOLVED:   That the Town Council approve the refund of taxes in the amount of $2,012.06 to Mr. Richard Magnussen.  
Mrs. Samul, Messrs Carlson, Pena and Shea voted in favor.

08/09-17        Review and Discussion: 2009 Legislative Program (CCM, COST, CRCOG)

The Town Manager reported we generally put this on the agenda every year generally in the September/ October timeframe because most of the municipal lobbying organizations are starting to put their legislative programs together for the forthcoming fiscal year.   If there are items that you feel should be included please let me know.  There is one that is not listed on here and needs to be is getting state legislative approval for sewer extensions. That will be included in the letter.  Mr. Pena questioned if we need to give them more detail on what we are looking for.  The Town Manager reported there has been some talk about setting up study groups regarding the grants and so forth.  The State's goal for funding has been 50% of the education in the State of Connecticut. That has been part of the school funding laws that have come out. Many of these grants are means tested and we are on the higher side of the scale.  Mrs. Samul questioned if there was talk on getting the bridge over the Farmington River looked at.  The Town Manager reported that is one the projects wrapped up in the Federal/State planning process.  All the design work is essentially done and they are waiting for the funding now.  The wrinkle in it now is they are going back and looking at the environmental aspects and there is some rare freshwater clam located in the area of the water and now they are looking if they need to go back and look if they need to redo the environmental impact study. What we found out is the environmental staffing levels, the state and federal level, keep changing the template of what is needed in the environmental statement, so you get a new template every year or 18 months.  You have to go back to the architect and have them update it and then once you are complete with that the templates change again.   Mrs. Samul reported that bridge is only in fair condition. Are we getting to a point where we are going to have to not let people use that bridge?    The Town Manager reported fair is ok, the problems stated in the detail reports relate to the plates and the scaling rust on them. At some point in time if it keeps like this for a period of time, then yes we would.  We will include the detail reports in the next month's handouts since it does give some more information on it.  


The Assistant Town Manager reported the high school project is coming to a close. Most of the meetings are in the bill paying stage.  In response to the questions that have been asked the last few months as to what is left, we are under budget in various contracts and reduced that by any outstanding change orders to get the final number.  We did need to order some custodial supplies that we were not aware of but it has been ordered and it is on the way.  The only problem with the school now is the original existing gym floor.  The old gym floor was taken up and then the under laminate and then the two old layers of under laminate, which is a cement like product and they are suppose to adhere to each other and they didn't.  Much testing went on and lots of reps of various companies came out to look at it and the determination was it was put down correctly but the product itself failed and they are not sure why.  That all had to be removed before school started and put down again, and the end result is the gym floor in that room can not be used until the end of the month.   The Assistant Town Manager reported it is an inconvenience.  The new gym is finally to satisfaction.   This gym should be o.k. by the end of this month.  Mr. Pena questioned the dedication of the high school on Sunday what will people see? The Assistant Town Manager reported mostly everything is in and can be viewed. Most of the technology is in and installed some technology equipment is not in yet.  

She further reported the Department of Public Works and Senior Center roofs have been a bit delayed with supplies.  The Middle School roof was underway and almost done this past week but after the weekend it is another story.  Chairman Carlson questioned the condition of the roof after the weekend's heavy rains.  The Town Manager reported it was apparently fine. Mr. Pena reported he was at the Middle School on Friday evening and they were working and things we looking good. They had extra tarps to cover where needed.  The Town Manager reported writing the long email because he felt everyone needed to know what the environment is for the funding part of it.  He is not sure how they are going to approach the cost.  We may have something next month requesting $10,000 for those improvements or they may try to absorb it themselves until later in the budget year. Chairman Carlson reported if you came to me with a supplemental appropriation for $10,000 so early in the budget year, he would say let's wait and see if you can find the money anywhere else in the budget before we go ahead and do that.  The Town Manager reported that is why he pushed it back to the Board of Education as a policy decision so they can determine what they wanted to do.  We do have enough under the $56,000 that was appropriated but it is not really under the scope of what was appropriated.   

The Assistant Town Manager reported the Verville Road is underway and no major issues with that.  The Roaring Brook School and the boiler, the asbestos removal did require an extra Saturday of work beyond the basic contract.  That seems to be going well.  Mr. Shea questioned the Middle School roof design, is it based on half the roof or the whole roof. The Assistant Town Manager reported it is based on the whole roof and looking at it with different options.

 Mrs. Samul questioned the privacy fence at the Senior Center. Is this something that we could do in house?  The Town Manager reported technically we could do it in house but with the other work that we have going it is easier to contract it out.

 The Assistant Town Manager reported we received 31 different proposal packages for three different rather small consulting jobs; an electrical engineer, a landscaper architect, and surveyor.  Some firms proposed on all three. We have a meeting tomorrow to review the proposals and shortlist that firm so that once the money is in place we can go ahead and start the construction.  Mrs. Samul questioned is it possible to go to some companies in the area and see if anyone is interested in volunteering to do some work pro-bono.   They can landscape the area and we could put up a plaque with their name. Mr. Pena questioned if the town has anything in place so people can donate services to the town.  The Town Manager reported recreation has a gift catalog of items that they are in need of.  We can expand that concept, it depends on how involved you want to get with it.  We can auction off corners, or intersections, we can auction off blocks. A good example would be the intersections where Old Farms Road and Scoville Road intersect and have Old Farms School maintain that, put in flowers. A way to do that so it is not all in our hands is to set up a Beatification Committee. The Committee would go out and identify area, solicit proposals and maintain.  We do work very closely with the Garden Club here at Town Hall.  We helped them put in the irrigation systems. We let them put the 60th anniversary memorial here.  The Lions Club has the responsibility for maintaining Tillitson Road.  If you want to set up a Beautification Committee, they would not be doing the work necessarily but organizing and setting it all up.  You do have issue, for example with the scouts putting up the flags, with the traffic control issues with the police department that you need to coordinate with.  Also they would have to decide if supplies would have to be provided or not, we do that with the Garden Club at Town Hall.  You have to be a little careful with grievances and the Public Works department.  Those are all options.  At one time we were looking to hire a coordinator to organize volunteer efforts all over town in a way to reduce the staff work. It was a paid position and an office, but the Council at that time did not want to get that involved in that.  Mrs. Samul stated the more she is involved the more she thinks we may need a cheerleader to get out there and get people excited.   The Town Manager reported the book is open on all of these items.  Chairman Carlson reported you may be onto something here we just need clear rules around things like signage.  Mrs. Samul reported she agrees but the only thing she has seen is small labels on benches.  Mr. Shea reported these are all good ideas but there is not a lot of money in the budget for such things. It would have to be a volunteer group that goes out and raises the money.  The Town Manager reported as long as you have rules and the rules are administered fairly you would be fine.  The Town Manager reported we had the discussion about signage at the little league fields.  There are nitty technical issues, such as who gets behind home plate, who maintains them, or how long, and the such.  

The Town Manager reported Mark Zacchio, who is not present this evening, had a situation at the landfill that was not the most friendly.  We have had several complaints about the landfill, in terms of the permitting, the fees being charge, the ways we are administering fees.  He is not sure if this should be revisited but we also have the issue hanging out there, do we want to have that extra hours or not and do we want to charge or not.  That is something we want to look at.  The Director of Public Works called Mr. Zacchio today and believes he is reasonably comfortable with his response.  We have had the insurance people come out and take a look at the facility up there and that is why we put the sign.  They were really upset we had children running around up there and recommended we put the sign up. This is a policy we can change; this is what was just recommended.  Another major change that is coming is a single stream co-mingled recycling.  Instead of having all if these roll off containers up there we will just have one or two, rather than six or eight containers.  When this happens we will restructure the landing area so that should take care of the safety hazard.  We have had a number of close misses that is why the insurance went to visit.  If the Council wants to bring the subject up we can put it on the next agenda.   Chairman Carlson reported he feels there may be some confusion on the fees.  Mr. Shea stated one item that can not be forgotten is that we are subsidizing the landfill.  We do not subsidize too many things in town anymore.  The Town Manager reported he had a discussion with a resident who was upset about his brush clippings.  Another problem that may be happening is that the CRRA will be out of the mid-Connecticut project by 2012.  We may have some problems that we will need to revisit soon.  Mrs. Samul stated with the clippings, the people who have spoken to me are upset we are charging for something that is completely biodegradable. Maybe just have two weekends a year where they can bring brush to the landfill, instead of the brush collection.  The Town Manager reported they are updating the engineering reports on the bulky waste site, so we know if we are on target with the projected usage of the site. Once the area is it is filled up, unless we can get an expansion of the landfill, people will have to pay to have brush picked up or do it at home. Mrs. Samul questioned if farms could bring animal waste to the landfill with no charge.  The Town Manager reported he is not sure about the farm people but farms are exempt. We have to provide a place for disposal for waste. The Town is responsible for it. Making sure there is some way to get rid of it.  In terms of whether we allow them to enter without of fee, he is not sure.  Mrs. Samul reported a resident being upset since they let someone in with animal waste without a fee and they were charged for their brush and they are both biodegradable.  The Town Manager reported he would have to check but this should not be allowed.

IX.     EXECUTIVE SESSION: Litigation/Negotiation

On a motion made by Mr. Shea, seconded by Mr. Pena it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Town Council go into Executive Session at 9:40 p.m. to discuss a personnel
Mrs. Samul, Messrs Carlson, Pena, and Shea voted in favor.

On a motion made by Mr. Shea, seconded by Mr. Pena, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Town Council come out of Executive Session at 10:10 p.m.
Mrs. Samul, Messrs Carlson, Pena, and Shea voted in favor.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m.


Caroline B. LaMonica